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Thursday, August 31, 2006

So if cankles are....

a combo of the ankles and calves, like you can't see your ankles, what is it when you have no wrists??? Jack is sooo stinkin chubby that he has a crease where his wrist should be, so is it a wrarm??? Or an arist??

Monday, August 28, 2006

Just FYI... If you ask Ella, "what are you doing" and she responds with "nah-sing", this is not a good thing! Run and find out! Apparently nah-sing can mean climbing up on the counter to get things off the top of the fridge!!!
As Jamie says, Ella has figured out tools, notice her little chair that she uses to climb up onto the counter!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

1. What was your favorite summer event? Getting to test out my sis's new pool! They spent a lot of time and money on it, and I'll say it was well worth it, sooo beautiful! Tay and Cam were hard to get out of there and Even Ella and Jack went swimming.

2. Favorite picture of the summer? My gramps with all of his great grandkids. I remember my great grandma being sickly all the time, and not really remembering much. My gramps on the other hand is so healthy and happy. Amazing that he has great grandkids, is 86 years old, and can handle all that! They are a rowdy bunch! I'm hoping to get this picture every summer now, this is the 2nd one.

3. Favorite movie of the summer? We didn't hit any theatres this summer, but on dvd I just loved Bench Warmers, I couldn't stop laughing!

4. Best song of the summer? Crazy, by Gnarles Barkly, especially listening to Ella sing it and dance around. Or me asking here, Ella do you make me crazy? And her answering, Yes I did.

5. Did you go on vacation, where? If you count my weekends to my mom's vacation, then yes! But we have baby Jack this summer, so no long trips, too hard with the little ones. I did get to see my 1st Tiger's game though at one of my trips to my moms.

Friday, August 25, 2006

I almost forgot!!! Jack rolled over on August 23rd for the very first time!!! He was trying so hard, and getting on his side, then struggling with all his might to get all the way over, he did this quite a few times, but each time ended up on his back. But the last time, he did it!!! Threw all of his weight into it, and that is a lot of weight hehe, and on his tummy he went, only to realize he really didn't want to be on his tummy, so he squealed some more till mommy rescued him! I need to get pics hehe!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

The kids started school today. While they are excited, I'm sort of not. There goes Ella's little buddies and my little helpers. Sometimes it is nice having extra hands around, and needed!
Now I have to get up early and get these kids off to school. I've vowed that I am going to get on the treadmill and hopefully have time for a shower as well before the little ones get up. I have it in writing, so I can't back out now. In fact I got my 30 minutes in this morning and it felt good. I'm pretty wiped out now though!
Jack has been eating like crazy today and is barely letting me put him down. Isn't he chubby enough already??? He really needs to slow down, heehe!

Friday, August 04, 2006

By George I think I've got it!!!

These pictures are straight from the camera, no editing necessary, I'm so proud of myself!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

What you ask??? Ella a trouble maker? Not that sweet little angel!!! Yes it is true, Ella is quite often into something, and if she isn't into something she is thinking about what to get into.
For instance we were at her Auntie Kristie's house for a few days. Her house is child proofed so she is generally playing in Aubrey's room with toys or in the basement, staying out of trouble. But when she discovered Auntie Kristie's lipstick... oh watch out! Doesn't she look beautiful???