Brother Scan N Cut

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Wednesday, November 22, 2006


I took a shower today and put Cam in charge of Jack and when I was done this is what I came down to! Them all cuddled up on the couch! How sweet are they? Jack just gets the biggest kick out of Cam and laughs at everything he does. Of course then Cam had to do some silly pictures to!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Taylor won her first volleyball game today!!!! They took all 3 sets, well out of 3, hehe!! Sooo proud! I get to see her first game on Wednesday and I can't wait. I'll be there with my camera!

I took Cam and Ella to the docs today to find out they have a virus! UGH! How many weeks of being sick and there is still nothing they can do for them. But of course you never can tell...
So they weighed Jack today cause I asked if they could. I wanted to see if it was time to move him out of his 22 pound weight limit car seat, I figured he had to be about that by now. Boy was I wrong, he was 23 pounds 8 ounces! So way past the weight limit. He'll be in a big car seat now, which brings on my question, where do I set him? He can't sit up yet! UGH!!! Chubby baby!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Jack is 6 months old!!! I can't believe it! He is rolling all over now, won't stay on the blanket I put down for him, so he spits up all over the carpet now! There is no stopping him!
He figured out how to shake a rattle to, it is so funny to watch him, well not so funny when he smacks himself in the head and tries to figure out what just happened!
Still a super happy guy, he laughs like crazy and smiles all the time!
His new favorite toy is his toes!!! He loves watching them, chewing on them and having them tickled!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Our Halloween day!!!
It was so busy! First I took Ella to her school and they had a Halloween party, they were all so cute passing out treats to each other, and wanting to tear into them. We got to play toys, sing songs and they did a Halloween parade! Home for a nap for Ella and Jack then off to the mall for some trick or treating, which is so nice and warm! The kids got a lot of candy, more then I thought they would there! Then home for a quick dinner, then out from 6 till 7:30 for more trick or treating, it was sooo cold out though! Jack screamed for the first part of the trip, but then crashed in the stroller. Ella walked up to a few houses but then chose to sit in the wagon and munch on candy over doing more trick or treating, fine by us, easier that way! Taylor and Cam ran ahead so they could hit more houses, old people are slow you know!!!
Here's Cam's costume, it took close to 3 hours and 3 stores but we found him Darth Vader! Tay's nanny made her the belly dancing costume, of course she had to bundle up and there is no way I would let her show off belly anyways, such a strict mom I know!!!
Pictures will be posted soon,not working tonight!