Brother Scan N Cut

Tools available on my blog

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Even more free handwriting fonts!

Pinterest is one of my favorite places to waste time!  While pinteresting (is that a word?) today I found a list of 50 handwriting fonts!  Keep in mind when you use these fonts the thinner the better if you want to draw with your Chomas Creations tools.  Any thicker font will look outlined.  Some of the thinner fonts will look like handwriting, depends on the size you make the font. 
On the Shabby Creek Cottage here is a list of 50 fonts... fonts
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Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day

A special thanks to all of those that have served our country.  I am proud to be an American.  That is why the parts Chomas Creations manufacturers are all Made in the USA.   It is very important to our company.
Today I will celebrate with my Gramps, Aubrey who served in WWII.  He is an amazing man and a very important part of who I am.  My other Grandpa Corbin also served in WWII.  What a lucky girl I am to come from these strong roots!

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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Track & Field with Chomas Creations adjustable marker holder

My oldest son is a runner, and his track event is hurdles.  I just love watching his passion for the sport, and wanted him to do the journaling for this page.  I added some lines right to my layout as well as the little hurdlers on the bottom that I traced in Studio.  I drew both with the Chomas Creations adjustable marker holder and a Sharpie liquid pencil (this is awesome for sketches!)  I have the hurdler file here if you are interested... hurdles
I added the journaling lines right to my background paper and let my son do the journaling!  Again this was done with the Chomas Creations adjustable marker holder and the Sharpie liquid pencil, I did it at the same time as the runners.

I made the title as well as bracket boxes (what are these things called anyways?) in Studio as well. 

Here is the finished layout!  Because I had a lot of pictures and some were a little blurry (hey he is a fast runner lol!) I made a collage.  The smaller the pics, the less you can tell they aren't perfect!

to let me know!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Mother's Day card with Chomas Creations adjustable marker holder

Just one more Mother's Day card to share!  Have to have one for both the moms in my life!  But this one I designed myself in Studio so if you would like the download for this whole file (the card background with hearts and the mother's day sentiment) you can find it here... mother's day card.
I did draw the hearts with the Chomas Creations adjustable marker holder and a Bic Mark-its on this silver glossy cardstock (you may have heard that I got 2 sheets for under $1 at Target! lol) 
First I drew the hearts, then without removing the mat from the machine I added the Chomas Creations adjustable marker holder and a stylus to score a line for the card.  Again without removing the mat from the machine I added the blade and used the cut settings for chipboard to cut out the scallop card design.
The mother's day sentiment was just cut from cardstock and added to the front of the card.
Don't forget to use the coupon code nsd10 to save 10% off your order in the Chomas Creations store!

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Thursday, May 09, 2013

Mother's day card with Chomas Creations adjustable marker holder

I hope I'm being sneaky enough so my mom doesn't see this!  It won't be on facebook until after Mother's Day!  hehe! 
I used the Chomas Creations adjustable marker holder with a Infinity permanent marker by Write Dudes.  I thought it showed up pretty cool on kraft cardstock.  I went with a different look for this card!  I also used some glossy cardstock I got from Target (2 12x12 sheets for under $1!)  It is thicker then cardstock but cuts very nicely when you use the chipboard settings in Studio.  Both files are Studio downloads for this card. 
Don't forget to use the coupon code nsd10 to save 10% off your order in the Chomas Creations store
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Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Transformers birthday card with Chomas Creations adjustable marker holder

Today my son turned 7 (where has the time gone???) and I thought a Transformers birthday card would be perfect for him!  What says boy better then Transformers and silver?  I got this silver cardstock from Target 2 pieces for $1!  It is glossy so I used a full sized fine point Sharpie in the Chomas Creations adjustable marker holder.  I used a speed of 3, a thickness of 1 and double cut.
You can also cut through this silver cardstock with the Silhouette Cameo.  The design from this I made in MTC.

Don't forget to use the coupon code nsd10 to save 10% off your purchase in the Chomas Creations store!

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Wednesday, May 01, 2013

New video with the Chomas Creations holders!

But I didn't do it this time!  I think this video will help show just how easy it is to use the Chomas Creations holders in the Cameo!  Linda of The Paper Boutique was having a blast with the holders in her Cameo, stop on by her blog and check out the video...  The Paper Boutique

So why is my poor blog lacking you ask?  Well my whole family has been working on putting in a brick paver patio in our back yard!  It has been a ton of work and I can't wait till it is finished!  Here is a sneak peek of what we have done so far (still a lot to go!)

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