Brother Scan N Cut

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Yes Jack smiles! I know this is a question on some people's minds as every pic I seem to have of Jack he is pretty much pouting. Well when the camera comes out, Jack makes the normal, I am not interested in having my picture taken today face! But here he is! Smiling! He was doing something he shouldn't so he was all happy lol!


  1. Amy, I love your blogs!! Especially the pics of the kids, I can't believe how grown up they are getting, especially Tay, wow 14 a couple of weeks! I loved the frames, you have always been so crafty! I wish I had evena 1/4 of your talents!! I miss you!

  2. Oh my goodness, look at that face! He is full of the devil, isn't he!!!!!! Turkey.


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