Brother Scan N Cut

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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A whole lotta pictures from the weekend, hey it was a busy one!!! I'll start with Christmas at my dads! Got to see Gramma and Grampa, all the aunts and uncles, and all of the cousins! It was a busy day with lots of yummy food and nice catching up. The kids all had fun running around and making noise! And cousin Lisa had a super fun game for them to play which involved a lot of boxes all wrapped up, she is so creative! So here are a bunch of pictures for my mom to catch up on how everyone is!

These get to go seperate with a different story! Gramma wanted to see Ella's new Barbie and was asking her questions about all of the good things in the box (that weren't allowed out for fear of getting lost). She asked Ella, look at those trophies, do you think she got those for being beautiful? To which Ella responded, no I think she got those for winning a race!
I loved watching her with Ella, reminds me of how she would talk to us when we were little, asking questions, telling stories. I love my gramma!

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I just love comments! Every single one of them is read by me! Thanks for taking the time to make my day!