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Tuesday, February 03, 2009

What better way to celebrate my 300th blog post then with Gramp's 90th birthday party!!! What an amazing day! Hard to believe all the things my Gramps has seen in his life, imagine witnessing the invention of pretty much everything! Even the radio was invented when he was 4 years old. All of this crazy technology! Even Gramps is part of some of it, like carrying around a cell phone!
The party turned out fantastic, what a day! Gramps has touched so many lives, and continues to do so. Anyone that has met him loves him, and is a better person just for meeting him. Everyone would be lucky to have someone half as special in their lives, and lucky me, I get the whole thing! So here are some pictures of Gramp's big day! He loved every minute of it!


  1. Great Photos Amy - looks like he had a lot of fun. Wow! to be 90 he mustve seen a lot!

  2. whoo hoo the big 90! Go Gramps. Love all the was a great 300th post!

  3. Great pictures! I'm glad yall had a wonderful time!


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