Ok, realized today I am not on track here, I haven't been keeping this up hehe!
Jack got to meet a lot of new people this weekend, and he pretty much slept through the whole thing. Jase and his mommy and daddy came to meet Jack, but Jase wasn't very interested in the little person, he was busy with his toys and his grammas. I don't think Aunt Sheila could get enough of her new nephew, holding him and snapping a lot of pictures, I'm so proud of her with her camera! Great Gramps and Mary stopped by for a quick visit and to meet Jack as well.
Gwen and Carter came to see Jack on sunday morn, Carter is 3 whole days older then Jack, I'm sure they will be great buddies one day, but one or the other was sleeping through their entire meeting. Of course I had a great time visiting Gwen, wish we could get together more!