So what is going on over here? I guess I need an update! Jack is better, he had me quite scared fo awhile, and the lack of sleep was getting to me! So he finally fought off the rhotovirus, eeeeek! Funny how after being dehydtated how excited I got to see his diaper full of pee in the morn! He is back to eating, smiling, laughing and walking everywhere to get into trouble! So back to our old Jack, I sure missed him!
Cam had his appointment at Detroit Children's Hospital monday. The new doc is upping his meds, and we are scheduling another MRI, and a 24 hour EEG, which means we will be at the hospital that long, eeeeek! She wants Cam to be seizure free, meaning the medication controls the seizures, not his lack of activities or such. That makes me happy, I just want to feel that he is safe when he isn't with me, not having to worry so much (is that possible?).
Also did a photo shoot of baby Addie on Monday! What a doll!!! I can't get enough of the lil' peanut, she is sooo stinkin cute! And cause Jack was there as well, here he is, in a pink bucket hehe! I figured I would change these to black and white anyways, but hey, boys can't sit in pink buckets, right???