1. What was your favorite summer event? Getting to test out my sis's new pool! They spent a lot of time and money on it, and I'll say it was well worth it, sooo beautiful! Tay and Cam were hard to get out of there and Even Ella and Jack went swimming.
2. Favorite picture of the summer? My gramps with all of his great grandkids. I remember my great grandma being sickly all the time, and not really remembering much. My gramps on the other hand is so healthy and happy. Amazing that he has great grandkids, is 86 years old, and can handle all that! They are a rowdy bunch! I'm hoping to get this picture every summer now, this is the 2nd one.
3. Favorite movie of the summer? We didn't hit any theatres this summer, but on dvd I just loved Bench Warmers, I couldn't stop laughing!
4. Best song of the summer? Crazy, by Gnarles Barkly, especially listening to Ella sing it and dance around. Or me asking here, Ella do you make me crazy? And her answering, Yes I did.
5. Did you go on vacation, where? If you count my weekends to my mom's vacation, then yes! But we have baby Jack this summer, so no long trips, too hard with the little ones. I did get to see my 1st Tiger's game though at one of my trips to my moms.