Man February has been a slooooow month! I feel like we all have cabin fever, and the cure for it this week was a trip to Chuck E Cheese! For months now Ella has been saving her change for going there, of course I didn't use it today (but I am going to sneak it to the bank and put it in) and everytime she would see the commercials she would talk about going to Chuck E Cheese. It finally happened today! We met up with our friends there early, so the kids could play, then eat. We let them run themselves ragged! The 4 kids went through 180 tokens no problem!
Oh and even though Jack LOVES monster trucks, this one here was a bit too much of a ride for him, he was a bit terrified! Of course not so terrified he wouldn't go on again later!
After Chuck E's we hit Toys R Us to get a Thomas take along for Jack's trains his Aunt Kristie gave him. He held it all the way home, all zonked out! Guess all that running wore him right out!