So we were luckily up at 5:21 am (luckily cause neither mine or dh's alarm went off, eeeek), and to the train station at 7:10, the train left at 7:47am. The kids waiting for the train...
My dork husband and Tay, Gramma Aggie and kids, and Cam and Grampa Al on the train, it was a 5 hour train ride and we packed so many goodies, my laptop for movies, game boys... you get the picture
Got to the hotel just before 2 pm and did some wandering, here is a pic of the hotel we stayed in, as nice as it looks those tightwads did NOT offer free wireless internet (hello get with the ages) and wanted to charge $12.95 a DAY to use their wired service, OUCH!
This moose cracked me up, notice it is anatomically correct!
Jack made it till around 4 pm and couldn't take life anymore, he conked out in the stroller lol! He is sleeping while we were enjoying some Chicago style pizza! lol
Ella and Cam posing in front a fountain, being goobs.
We then hit Millenium park, AWESOME! Check this big thing out...
Then we hit this awesome fountain! The faces change and squirt out water, we didn't plan for it so the poor kids were in their clothes lol...
And look at what a good big brother Cam is! He hooked Jack up!
After the fountain we headed to the SEARS tower lol! The greedy people that bought the place tried to change the name, but no one calls it the Willis Tower so Sears it is lol! Poor kids were still a bit wet, and we waited in line FOREVER to get up it, but it was soooo cool! These are the glass boxes that you got to go in, you could see straight down...
That structure straight down isn't the bottom, it is another layer halfway down!
Notice I cut the "Willis" out of the pic lol
The kids were whooped and in bed by 8 that night, so dh and I got to go for a night on the town and I met up with one of my high school friends!!! Sooo cool, we sat on a terrace 10 stories up, looked down on the city at night, had martinis and sushi! And caught up with someone I haven't seen in 15 years!
Up bright and early the next morn, we hit the Field Museum! 90% of their dinosaur bones there are REAL! I took tons of pics of them for a book for Jack!
We also got to ride in a limo to go to a fancy dinner we had reservations for! Couldn't find a taxi lol! So here we are in shorts and tshirts, in a limo, then go to a fancy restaurant, no one told us it was fancy, the hotel made the reservations, we just wanted to go to the Weber grill lol! I don't have pics of that, they are on the MIL's camera! But too funny lol! Talk about feeling out of place!
The next day we hit the Shedd aquarium! Awesome place! Got to see some really cool Beluga whales, and the kids loved the penguins! But here are some of us waiting for the dolphin show and Ella checking out the beluga whales...
None of my pics from the aquarium really turned out, was a bummer! That place was super dark and no flash photography! is Jack's super meltdown lol! Gotta document the good and the bad! I had to take him outside it was soooo bad!
Here we all are outside the aquarium...
Ella was tired and the sun was too bright lol!
On the way back you could see the whole city, so here is another family shot...
And this is in front of the Married with Children fountain lol...
We made the poor kids walk back to the hotel to whoop them out before the train ride. So Ella and Jack end up zonked in the strollers...
The end! lol