We made it back safe, I still have all 4 of my kids, none got lost or even hurt! Dang fire with Jack around made me so nervous I don't think I sat down for more then 30 seconds! We swam, we biked, we walked around, we played at the playground a lot, it was an all and all great weekend! Jack was tough, but I expected that going into this! I will admit to being an awful mom this weekend, my camera came out once, and that was when Jack and Ella were finger painting and Cam was sitting around camp, no clue where my oldest was lol! So I only have a couple of pics!
I realized this Saturday sitting around the campfire, so I planned on getting the camera out on Sunday, taking a bike ride with the kids and such. Well I woke up at 2:30 am in soooo much pain in my stomach, I was sweating! Nice, ended up with diarrea and threw up a few times to boot. I was up all night. I was a mess all day sunday. Jamie took good care of me, he really came through! I'm finally starting to eat again today, but still have that achey feeling in my tummy, hope it fades soon.
So here are a couple of Jack finger painting, he did a great job! And one of Cam and Ella to!