So when I asked the hubby to make me a gel pen holder for the Cricut, he knew how happy it would make me and got right to work! When some of my message board friends saw what hubby made me, they asked if they could get one. And what I thought would just be a few has grown! And I had requests for some holders for the mini Sharpies, and of course the hubby obliged!
If you are interested in either, you can email me at for more information, or paypal me at . Make sure you write in the comments which one you are ordering, or if it is for both.
Here is the gel pen holder...
And here is an example of the mini Sharpie holder...
Here are a few layouts I've done with the gel pen holder & Sure Cuts A Lot...
And some cards using Cricut Design studio and the gel pen holder...
That's so cool Amy! Hope you get lots of orders!!!
I haven't gotten the money order out yet...good thing too since now I want one of each! LOL I'll get that $50 out to you this week!
hopefully i'll get one soon!!! that is awesome. i remember when people wear using rubber pen grippers, this looks much better!
I just rec'd my order today and I'm very pleased! I've got to get some mini sharpies, but I already had the mini gel pens and it works wonderfully! Give your hubby a big hug! He deserves it!
Can't wait to get mine! Thanks a bunch Amy!
wow, great idea Amy! I love what you have done with these they look great! Give your dh a pat on the back!!
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