Big Babies!!!
Well the young 'ens had their check ups yesterday, we'll start with Ella. She weighed 27 1/2 pounds and is 35 3/4 inches, so just shy of 3 feet! The 75% for both height and weight, she is perfect and doing everything she is supposed to right now!
Now on to Big Baby Jack! Yes very big baby! He weighed 20 1/2 pounds, which is off the charts, but only by a half inch hehe! I couldn't believe it! And he is 27 inches long, which is 95%. Where oh where do I get these big babies? He is also doing everything he is supposed to and the doc was impressed by his strength, oh yes, and by his size!!! Poor little guy got 3 shots again, he was pretty crabby yesterday but seems a bit happier today.