Guess who's 2 today!!! Ella is!!!! And for her special day I took her to McDonald's for lunch and to play a bit, I'm soooo glad I did!!! I met some girls there that are part of a mommy group!!! Finally people to talk to during the day! They get together 2 times a month, and have snacks, talk, fun stuff like that! There will be kids there Ella's age to play with, woohooo!! Guess I didn't need to put an ad in the paper to find friends after all, hehe! We were there for an hour and a half, Ella got to run around with so many kids! And when she couldn't climb up in the play place, one of the little girls helped her, it was so sweet!
Tonight we are taking Ella to Toys R Us to pick out her birthday present and I'm going to get her some cake and ice cream! Fun stuff when you are 2!
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