Natalie said...
love all your work. I was a scrap and let the girls try out the embossing should be getting more orders!
Conrats Natalie! And thanks so much for liking my prouducts so much that you would share where you got them! That makes me feel all warm and cuddly inside hehe!
Also, I was asked by Chris from Turned Gypsy to get the word out that she is collecting cards to send to Brenner Children's Hospital. There is more info on the cause on her blog.
As a mother that has taken a son to the Children's Hospital in Detroit, I know what amazing work they do! And the kids there would inspire you! It is as if they don't seem to get something is wrong, they still smile, walking down the halls with their IV poles, they are truly amazing little ones! My son was lucky, he only dealt with seizures for 9 years, and has since outgrown them, and the most he was there was 24 hours.
But I know some of those kids are there for weeks, even months. Imagine what a simple card could do to brighten their days! Chris collects the cards to give to these kids.
I've donated a mini gel pen holder and mini gel pens for her to give away to people that are sending cards! And I'm going to work on some cards of my own with the kids! They don't have to be Christmas cards, and she collects every month. So for more info, head on over to... Turned Gypsy
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Thanks Amy. I got the info corrected, lol. I have been going on 3 hours sleep a day for weeks. So thankful you are helping me with this card donation. I am glad that your son was one of the lucky ones too.
Hugs and God Bless you
Mailed out 27 cards, 1 home made Santa puzzle and 4 Christmas tags today!! So excited to send them just wish I could see the kids faces when they receive them! Thank you for your donation even though I had already signed up before she even had any sponsors because that is not why I sent them. But must admit something like this is a pure treat if I should win! :). I too will be sending each month or at least every other month. I plan on making a bunch of puzzles to send next, was thinking about Easter ones ;)
oh listen to me ramble LOL
Congrats to the winner!
Awesome Lisa! I'm hoping to get some done this week and get the kids involved, and if not this week, next for sure!!!
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